We are delighted to be able to say that the Panaway M1 system for disposal of patient & resident waste caught the eye of the judges and won the Infection Prevention and Cleaning Services category of the Care Sector Supplier Awards 2022: https://cssawards.co.uk/results/
Bringing best practice for waste processing to the care sector in a simple to set up, flexible package, the Panaway M1 caught the eye of the judges. The judges noted that while there is a lot of activity in the market around improving software, catering, administrative processes and generally the more glamorous aspects of running a care site, addressing the dignity and day to day basic needs of immobile/partially mobile residents cannot be underestimated when it comes to running an effective site.
The team at Haigh launched Panaway M1 in a direct response to the complexities presented by the COVID-19 restrictions on access to customer sites – a mobile waste disposal machine that can be rapidly deployed where and when needs arise without the need for engineers to enter or exit a customer site. It quickly became apparent that there were many additional benefits for customers looking to add flexibility and robustness to their sluice rooms in a cost effective fashion that Panaway M1 brought to the table. With product design and manufacture based in the UK, the team were able to bring the concept to market rapidly, trial with customers in the NHS and private care sector, liaise with the Infection Prevention Society as well as obtain the various approvals needed for product compliance.
For more information on Panaway visit https://www.panaway.com/ or contact the team directly