Why do caregivers prefer Panaway to washing bedpans?
Rapid waste disposal reduces odours, lowers infection risks, and frees up time for caregivers. Panaway’s user-friendly operation facilitates easy training and use. Based on extensive user feedback, caregivers prefer using clean new disposable items than washing and reusing plastic or steel sanitaryware as it is a far more pleasant, quicker and less hazardous process.
How can a site save £’000s per year with this simple upgrade?
Bedpan macerators use far less energy than washers as no hot water or steam is required, costing only £50-£150* compared to £3,000-£5,000 per year per machine. Panaway macerators, from Haigh, are economical, energy efficient, as well as being environmentally responsible. Upgrading from a washer or sterilising system for sanitary-ware to disposables is straightforward well proven process.
* use this cost calculator to work our the savings for your site or ask a member of our team
Do you have hidden infection risks in your sluice room?
Panaway bedpan macerators eliminate bedpan re-washing and the dirty pot, pan & bottle build-up associated with long washer cycle times. Plastic and steel reusable bedpans are often left out in the open while users wait for a washer cycle to finish. Immediate containment and complete disposal ensures reliable, effective infection prevention from this hidden source of infection risk, and the safeguarding of staff and patients this brings.
Present a new pot or bottle to your resident or patient each time
Unclear about net zero?
As well as using sustainably sourced materials for the medical pulp, as Haigh’s bedpan machines have no need for hot water or steam, a simple upgrade from bedpan washers to macerators will reduce your site’s carbon footprint, a tangible measurable step towards your net zero ambitions without compromising the care you provide.
Looking to hit up-time SLAs in your sluice room?
Say hello to sluice room up-time, with Panaway. Achieve SLAs effortlessly with rapid response ‘moveable’ bedpan machines and ‘plug and go’ installation. New maceration technology makes drain issues a thing of the past, all together minimizing sluice room downtime, associated stress, infection risks and costs.
Up-time is infection control.